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When you first get started online, you might be worried. Frankly, you probably should be worried. Yes, you made sales this month. But will you make sales NEXT month? And how will you pay the bills if you don’t make Read more…

In Chip and Dan Heath’s book ‘Decisive,’ they lay out three ways to make truly excellent decisions that can have a very positive impact on your business and your life. 1: The Vanishing Options Test In 1994, Quaker Oats made Read more…

So many products are simply a rehash of other products, and the same goes for books. Someone wants to write a book on persuasion, so they buy five books on persuasion, read them and then take all the best ideas Read more…

There are only so many hours in your day, which is to say, you can only do so much. In the beginning of your business, you’re probably doing everything yourself. But as things start working and making money, you’ve got Read more…

There is a thought in online marketing that if you just get the mechanics right, then everything will fall into place and you’ll get rich. I’m not here to dispute that. Rather, I’d like to suggest that mindset plays a Read more…

The ‘secret’ isn’t all that secret, and yet most marketers get this wrong. You simply have to give a much higher value than the price that subscribers pay, and two things will happen: They will join in droves, and they Read more…