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New Genealogy Feature: Goal Status

Your SFI Genealogy currently sporting activities a brand-new column allowing you understand which of your PSAs, CSAs, and also various other Affiliates in your team have actually established their month-to-month objectives for their companies.

Merely click the Aff Mgr tab on your Genealogy to check out the brand-new GS column on the best side of the record. If an associate has actually established an objective for the month, the column will certainly reveal a “Y.” Conversely, an “N” shows that individual has actually not yet established an objective.

REMEMBER: Goal-setting is VITAL for success! Watch out every month for CSAs as well as psas that have actually not yet established their objectives, as well as motivate them do to so on the SFI homepage GOALS tab. They’ll have a much better opportunity to prosper with clear, thought-out objectives before them; as well as you will certainly be enhancing your whole team.

ANDS ALSO … all Affiliates make 5 VersaPoints for establishing regular monthly objectives, with an added VersaPoint every day for checking their objectives throughout the month.