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February’s HIDDEN Top 10!

CONGRATULATIONS to HIDDEN top 10 scorers for February 2019!

  1. Aaelsie K. (3,792,230 points)
  2. Kim L. (3,555,555 points)
  3. Randy I. (3,013,145 points)
  4. Mimi K.c (2,962,295 points)
  5. Vladimir H. (2,953,200 points)
  6. Sead Š. (2,886,055 points)
  7. Mba-Nwite C. (2,869,655 points)
  8. Nadine S. (2,845,175 points)
  9. Charles C. (2,841,610 points)
  10. Ruth M. (2,824,690 points)

Each of the above 10 winners will be receiving our exclusive HIDDEN “Word Champion” t-shirt (shown at right)!

Note: The winning scores shown (in parenthesis) above are equal to the sum of the prize points earned in prime games.

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Play for FREE 10 times daily to win this exclusive t-shirt, unlimited Rewardicals, and other great prizes.


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