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Category: Blog

There’s only one thing you need to sell as an online marketer, and it’s not your website or your blog posts or your products. It’s you. Why do more people buy products from another list owner or blogger than you? Read more…

If you already sell your own products, you can double your income in no time at all by adding new price points to your marketing funnel. You don’t even need to create any new products – just new services that Read more…

If you know how to build websites – or you’re willing to learn – you can make some extra money doing this. The sites are small – only one page – and they don’t take long to build. Yet you Read more…

Regardless of what people might think of the Walmart we know today, there is a lot to be learned from Walmart’s founder Sam Walton. In fact, if Sam were starting in business in 2020, he would almost undoubtedly be starting Read more…

Using paid solo ads might be one of the easiest and fastest ways to test out your marketing funnel, to build your list and even to make a quick profit. Yet most new Internet marketers are deathly afraid to try Read more…

These are without a doubt the biggest mistakes new marketers tend to make when it comes to copywriting… Lie #1: Good copywriting uses lots of exclamation points and over-the-top jargon a 5 year old wouldn’t believe. “This Brand New Revolutionary Read more…