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Author: admin

Half of Facebook’s more than 2.2 BILLION active users are on Facebook in any 24 hour period. In addition, the average U.S. Facebook user spends nearly 6 hours a month browsing this social network. In other words, if your business Read more…

Here’s a ridiculously easy business you can run from Facebook using Facebook groups. It won’t take you much time, and it can net you a tidy little profit each month. Better still, you can create as many of these as Read more…

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to make good money online is by doing webinars. Here’s how it works in a nutshell: You choose a date and topic for your webinar, promote it, give great information on the webinar and Read more…

I see new marketers all the time who have a goal of $100,000 per year or even a million dollars per year. And how are they getting their traffic? They’re happily submitting articles, writing blog posts and commenting in forums Read more…

Success is great, but failure is EASIER! Come on… I know you can do it. Here’s how: 1. Be filled with doubt. Cultivate it at every step, looking for reasons why you will fail, why your business plan won’t work, Read more…

Over and over we hear how to succeed, how to achieve our goals and dreams, and so forth. And yet, somehow most people are falling far short of those goals and dreams… Now why is that? Perhaps it’s time to Read more…